2019 Annual Meeting Recap
It was a jam-packed day at the Annual Meeting this year. The day kicked off with the members business meeting. The membership was updated on OGCSA business by the Board of Directors.
The results of the 2019-2020 Elections of Officers and Directors was announced and are as follows:
-Shane Hadwick, Orchard Hills Golf and Country Club
Vice President:
-Roger Vandehey, Middlefield Golf Course
Directors: (2-year term)
-Brian Koffler, Waverley Country Club
-Scott Moffenbeier, Bend Golf and Country Club
-Ty Patton, Tokatee Golf Club
-Stephen Purdy, Langdon Farms Golf Club
Affiliate Director: (2-year term)
-Tod Blankenship, CGCS, TBlankenship, LLC
Immediate Past President: Gabe Hughes, Turfstar |Western Equipment
2019-2020 OGCSA Board of Directors

Left to Right (back row): Brian Koffler, Mark Willcut, Rory Allison,
Shane Hadwick, Gabe Hughes
Left to Right (front row): Stephen Purdy, Tod Blankenship, Ty Patton,
Brant Hathorn , Roger Vandehey Not pictured: Scott Moffenbeier

Shane Hadwick & Gabe Hughes
Shane Hadwick recognized outgoing president, Gabe Hughes for his year of service as President. Gabe was presented with the President’s recognition frame handcrafted by our very own framer, Kathy Hauff. Thank you for your service and dedication to the OGCSA Gabe!
Outgoing Directors, Kathy Hauff , Bill Franzke, and Jeff Crabtree were also recognized for their service on the board service.
Shane Hadwick & Kathy Hauff Shane Hadwick & Bill Franzke
After the morning business the meeting continued as Steve Randall, Director of Chapter Outreach with the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) joined the group and gave a fantastic presentation on developing your business, communication, and leadership skill and how GCSAA can be your guide.
Association awards were presented by the Awards Committee Chair Kathy Hauff and 2018-2019 Award Committee: Jesse Goodling, Rod Nelson and Russ Vandehey.
Superintendent of the Year
Robert ‘Bob’ Fluter, CGCSAssistant of the Year
Aaron Prellwitz

Russ Vandehey presented the history of the Richard Malpass Distinguished Service Award and announced the recipient of the 2019 award as Larry Gilhuly, with USGA Greens Section. Larry was not in attendance but will attend the Fall Meeting to receive this award.
The highest honor that the OGCSA recognizes is the Hall of Fame Award. This year the inductee was Alan Nielsen, CGCS Retired Superintendent of Royal Oaks Country Club and an OGCSA Past President.

In 2018 four members reached Class AA Life member status with the OGCSA. This is quite an achievement and it was a privilege to be able to recognize the following individuals with this honor: Chris Gaughan, CGCS, Bill Swancutt, Bill Webster,CGCS and John Whisler.
John Whisler Bill Webster, CGCS
Four talented and deserving Oregon State University Turfgrass students were awarded scholarships. All were outstanding choices based on the qualifications that are required for the OGCSA and Oregon Turfgrass Foundation scholarships. This years were recipients were:

Shane Shaffer

Alyssa Cain

Jeremy Lee

Grant Roth
Wrapping up the meeting, the Oregon Turfgrass Foundation Board was proud to once again present Oregon State University Turfgrass Program with a check for $50,000 to the for the Turf Technician Fund.

After the meeting and lunch, Roger Vandehey organized several members for a fun afternoon of golf. Thank you Roger!!!! Winners of the 9-hole competition were:
-1st Gross – Steve Randall, GCSAA
-1st Net – Keaton Fisher, Chinook Winds Golf Resort
-2nd Gross – Joe Chivarria, Amvac
-2nd Net – Tom Calabrese, EnviroLogic Resources
-KP #3 – Richard Rosenberry, Stone Creek Golf Club
-KP #8 – Richard Rosenberry, Stone Creek Golf Club
Once again thank you to our host superintendent Larry Raschko and Willamette Valley Country Club for opening up their beautiful club to us. Another thank you to our presented by event sponsor RMT Equipment.