2023 Arrowhead Crew Tournament Recap
Mother Nature gave us a perfect day for golf on Tuesday! 220 golfers made their way to Arrowhead Golf Club for the 42nd annual Crew Tournament. We are beyond grateful for all the hardworking crew members out there and always look forward to showing our appreciation for all that they do.

For the fifth year in a row Emerald Valley Golf & Resort walked away with OGCSA Crew Tournament trophy. In the 4-person team scramble, Emerald Valley Golf & Resort scored a 57. Coming in a close 2nd place with a score of 59 was Heron Lakes Golf Course #1. These two teams along with the 1st place gross winner from the Central Oregon Crew Tournament in September will move on to represent OGCSA in the Pacific Northwest Crew Tournament Championship against Western Washington GCSA and Inland Empire GCSA this Fall on Oregon turf! Congratulations!
*Prizes will be distributed to winners over the next few weeks*

Congratulation to Beaver Ball Winner – Wilamette Valley #1 with Ball #41. Out of the 48 Beaver Balls that were sold only 13 came back!
Congratulations to Gresham Golf Course on their win of the Pay Ball contest with the only eagle on hole #1!

To provide this special golf experience it takes a team of volunteers to keep everything running smoothly. Thank you to OGCSA Board Members John Ball, Brian Koffler, Steven Beyer, Cameron Callaway, and Stan Presley for coming out in force to support this event. Another shout-out goes to our industry partners Colm Allen – Corteva, Larry Conkings – Precision Laboratories, Patrick Peterson – BASF, Greg Wilson – Wilbur Ellis Company, and David Phipps – GCSAA for volunteering and all your help at year’s event!!!
Thank you to Arrowhead Golf Club, our host Superintendent Adam Vidourek, and all the staff for their efforts and hospitality to make this event a success. Of course, pulling off an event like this would not be possible without the continued support from the players and Industry Partners
Look forward to seeing you all again in 2024!!!
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