End of Summer President’s Message

With mid-summer temperatures to start the month of September, I am sure you are all ready to begin aeration practices and see the leaves change color. Fall is my favorite time of year on the golf course, and I hope you all find more time for yourselves and families as the season winds down.

2024 has been another great year for the OGCSA. We broke records with Rounds 4 Research having 46 donations netting $12,753 back to the Chapter. These are a huge help as we continue to fund multiple scholarships and pledge to the OSU Turf Technician Fund. Thank you to all that donated and let’s break another record in 2025!

Golf functions have been enjoyed by many of you. The Summer 2 Ball hosted by Awbrey Glen Golf Club in June was well attended. Crew Tournaments continue to grow and sell out quickly giving your staff a well-deserved day of fun. Thank you to Arrowhead Golf Club and Quail Run Golf Course for hosting again.

Our Fall Meeting is scheduled for Monday October 7th at Aspen Lakes Golf Course. We hope you can join for a day filled with education, networking, lunch and golf. Registration is open and the educational agenda will be posted in the coming weeks.

The deadline for OSU PACE scholarship applications is Sunday September 15th. This is open to all OGCSA members and their staff. Thanks again to Oregon State University for providing these education opportunities for those that want to further their knowledge in turfgrass management.

As we embark on rebuilding our website, we are looking for high quality pictures of your golf courses to add to the new site. With the current site unable to be updated we look forward to having a fresh new look coming soon.

I would like to take a moment to announce the resignation of Secretary/Treasurer Jason Dorn. We thank him for his years of service on the Board and wish him well in future endeavors. We are thankful for Josh Loy stepping into this position and welcome back former Chapter Board Member and President Shane Hadwick as he fills the open Director position for the remainder of the year.

To wrap up, we always encourage those interested to get involved in any of our 8 committees. Your participation and input are extremely valuable to the association. Please reach out to any of our Board Members or Alexis Wenker if you are interested. Look forward to seeing many of you soon at one of the many industry functions scheduled this fall.


Scott Moffenbeier

President, Oregon Chapter of the GCSAA