Thursday – August 31, 2023
Morning (8:00 am to 12:30 pm) Field Day and Lunch, OSU Lewis-Brown Horticulture Farm, 33329 Peoria Rd, Corvallis, OR, 97331
Afternoon (1:00 to 6:00 pm): Jason Oliver Golf Tournament and Dinner at Trysting Tree Golf Course
Field day details will include the following this year…
- Optimum tall fescue deficit irrigation rates and frequencies
- Optimum tall fescue fertility and mowing height
- Comparing classic and contemporary turf type tall fescue cultivars (from seed production to lawns)
- Fine fescue drought tolerant cultivars
- Effects of tall fescue irrigation rates and frequencies on temperature and carbon sequestration
- Using remote sensing to predict turfgrass winter kill
- Destructive turfgrass insects of the PNW
- Turfgrass diagnostics laboratory update (disease trends of 2023)
- Long term effects of cultivation and topdressing
- GDD models for PGRs
- Fungicides for anthracnose management
- Post emergence herbicides for broadleaf and crabgrass control
Registration and Dinner is FREE for all attendees