OGA-OGCSA Superintendent Spotlight – March 2019
In this month’s Superintendent Spotlight we feature William Benson who has been with Laurelwood Golf Course for the last 11 years.

What is a little-known fact / fun fact about your facility?
Future NFL quarterbacks and Heisman trophy winners are regulars.
Describe your facility in 10 words or less:
A community facility for everyone in the middle of Eugene.
What’s your favorite hole at your facility?
I think it’s going to be the new hole No. 8.
Have you had a hole-in-one? When and where?
Yes – two of them. One on hole No. 7 at Diamond Woods. The other on hole No. 3 at Laurelwood.

Do you have a superintendent dog?
Yes – Sandy, who is a rescue mini-mix from Los Angeles. She enjoys chasing crows.
What is your go-to club in the bag?
4 wood
Who is your favorite all-time professional golfer?
Tiger Woods
Who joins you in a dream golfing foursome?
Seth Raynor, Tom Doak, Dan Hixson.
What’s your favorite tool in your tool box?
On your last day, what is your meal of choice?
Steak Diane

What’s your favorite sports team and why?
Boston Red Sox, I was a big fan of Dennis “Oil Can” Boyd.
What’s the biggest change that has occurred while you’ve been in the industry?
GPS moisture meters.
What would you invent right now to make your professional life easier?
Fairway mowers that can float and mow.
What’s the most interesting thing you’ve witnessed or done as a superintendent?
During an ice storm I had to brace a women’s broken leg with an Oak limb and caution tape and help her off the course in my Toro.
Who is your mentor?
Ian Macmillan MG
What is one piece of advice you would give to someone wanting to become a superintendent?
Understand what your facility is, and make it a little better everyday.